Sunday, 1 January 2012

Mind Power

Mind Power is a highly talked about topic. Everyone wants to know about its secret,since they want their life would change drastically. Several books have been written on it,and infinite blog pots have posted. But probably I never get most of the matter.

However,on a general level,I feel mind power is simply how much powerful our mind is. To measure the strength of muscles,we have different parameters such as the amount of load one can lift up,or the number of push ups one can made,etc. Similarly the power of mind can be determined by the level of imagination.

Improving the life

Once we can imagine the advantages of an improved life,we get motivated to improve it. For example,when we imagine how our life would be if we end up some addiction,then it would be easier to overcome the addiction with a newly motivated mind.

Mind Power and Memorization

Imagination naturally enhances our planning ability,and also memorization. It is easy to remember anything if we can imagine how it happens. For example,if we want to memorize how an AC generator works,we can read and simultaneously construct a generator in your mind,and simultaneously imagine how the constructed generator works. This is equivalent to watching a generator being constructed at a workshop. Once we've imagined it in our mind,it is easy to reproduce and hence memorization is made a lot easy.

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