Tuesday, 24 May 2011

review : echofon for mozilla firefox

I am a third party application freak,at least for twitter applications. This happened due to my interest for the social network and the urge to stay connected almost 24x7. Even though most of my tweet are posted through mobile,even staying connected to twitter when online via PC or laptop is a must.

When online via PC,my first need is to do work smoothly. At one time i simultaneously read news and chat with friends. This is done by changing tabs. However these two things consume a lot of time and i miss out a lot of tweets posted. Here emerges the problem, since I can't miss out any of the three things (many more at some times). I see two possible solution,first, if the every new tweet pops out at the corner of the browser or second,i have a side panel where the tweets appear.

These two conditions are possible with echofon.Echofon is basically an add on for browser so that one doesn't misses the tweets while surfing. This application gives me all the necessary features I require for tweeting. Edited retweets,twitter retweets,reply all,follow,unfollow,making a favourite tweet etc. along with some new and nice features.

Additional Features.
The above mentioned features are provided by almost all the application. One striking feature of echofon is its feature to post links easily. This application directly gives the option to post link of the page you are working on. Moreover it comes with an option of shortening URL with inbuilt bit.ly shortener. This feature is good when one needs to share link to pages that don't gome with tweetbutton feature.

Secondly, the application is light weight and suits muti-tasking without any problem of browser getting hanged. As I mentioned earlier this application gives you the facility to read tweet in different modes. You can switch between panel mode,Window mode and side bar mode.

Thirdly, you don't need to sign in to the application every time you switch on your computer. More over you can manage multiple twitter accounts quite brilliantly.
Final Review
Echofon is a light weigh application that can well adopt to your multi tasking routine,providing you some new and additional features. Try it once and it won't disappoint you.
here is the link to echofon : http://www.echofon.com/twitter/firefox

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