Saturday, 17 December 2011

We all are time travelers

All our worries,regardless of their complexity or stupidity,are all linked to one common thing: the future. However, we are bound to face the future,no matter how good or bad it is,and also the time,good or bad, will surely come to an end.
"Be it good or bad,time will come to an end"
This may be a sound sweet to some,and bitter to others,who,quite unknowingly share a common activity,travelling in time.

Will the world end?

May be yes,humans are mortal and the species won't exist up to infinity. Climate change may occur,a giant meteor may strike the earth,may be anything. But one thing is for sure: whatever may be the cause,we are approaching the end one second at a time. we have limited time.

Given the fact that we are approaching the end,time is surely limited. Enjoy every second of it,cherish each moment,and live it to the fullest. Won't we all like to end it all up in a satisfactory way?

And no time to waste.

Time is too limited,so obviously why waste it? Stop the unwanted quarrels,fights,and selfishness. Why not to make the world a better place.

In the end:

this article comes to an end,you can press the 'x' button of the tab,shut down your laptop/computer,go out and start living,help your fellow time travelers and end it all up on a high note.


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